Monday, November 22, 2010

Why are all the Cattle on the Angus Tract?

You might have noticed that last week we rounded up all the cattle. This was for our annual TD and Brucellosis blood testing. Each year the cattle are vaccinated and then blood tested by our Vet. This is a full day for our farm hands of sending reluctant cattle through the cattle shoots that are located up at the Angus Beef Barns off of Flourtown Road. To date we have no cases of either disease.

Our Vet was not the only visitor to the Angus Tract this week. For those Birders in our audience, this week our Livestock Managers spotted a Cattle Egret in our pastures. A migratory visitor, this white cousin of the Blue Heron preys on small insects such as flies and ticks that often accompany cattle. So for our cattle, they are a very welcome guest in deed!

So on this Thanksgiving, as throughout the year, we are thankful for your continued interest and support of Erdenheim Farm.

From our families, to yours:

Happy Thanksgiving!


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